
Camano Action for a Rural Environment

C.A.R.E. is for people who ♥️ Camano Island.

The C.A.R.E Mission:

  • Protect our water
  • Promote responsible land use
  • Encourage good stewardship
  • Promote the integrity of our natural habitats


C.A.R.E. is a group of citizens like you who want to preserve the rural character of our island so that the natural landscapes, vegetation and wildlife predominate over the built environment.

We live here because we appreciate the wonderful views, birds, trees and fields of the rural environment. We want these basic characteristics of Camano Island to be preserved for future generations.

The comprehensive plan adopted by Island County in 1998 represents a blueprint for Camano Island as a rural community. Development interests can sometimes run counter to this plan and, through our efforts, we seek to educate the community about the benefits of enhancing the rural lifestyle here.

C.A.R.E is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization

Contact / Join Us

C.A.R.E. Membership

Members are involved in education and advocacy for living sustainably and responsibly with Camano Island.

C.A.R.E. Meetings are periodic and organized on an as-needed basis. You choose your level of interest and involvement.

Membership Benefits:

  • Make your voice heard
  • Get early notice of land use threats
  • Receive notice about issues and events
  • Community involvement
  • Meet new friends

Member Activities:

  • Attending C.A.R.E. meetings
  • Attending community hearings
  • Writing Letters
  • Providing financial support
  • Other means of helping / supporting

Notice something on the island you would like addressed? Would you like to find out more about C.A.R.E.? Please contact us using the form below.

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